Art Nouveau Details from Barcelona

    Recently, I visited Barcelona. What I saw there completely changed my view on the value of Art Nouveau as an architectural style. Before, Art Nouveau seemed like a strange and lovely historical oddity, beautiful but impractical for the modern world. Now, after seeing Art Nouveau bloom and vine its way across facades and banisters, I believe that Art Nouveau, or rather a new form of it, is the future of architecture. I am working on a longer post on this topic, but in the meantime, here is a collection of some of the details that caught my eye. 

Facade, Palau de la Música Catalana

Metalwork detail

Ceiling detail, Casa Batlló

Stairwell, Casa Batlló

Attic Hallway,Casa Batlló
Glass panel detail, Casa Batlló

 Skylight detail, Casa Batlló

 Rooftop view, Casa Milá

 Roof detail,Casa Milá

 Gate Detail, Casa Milá

 Ceiling painting, Casa Milá

Facade, CosmoCaixa Science Museum 

Outer wall, Parc Güell
